This is my chest of drawers with very minor renovations, eg., hardware change, but doesn't it make a difference. I got bored with the chunky pain old white knobs, so changed them for these super slick black ones and it changes the look of my whole bedroom, which by the way is very very small, with a lot of furniture in it. I will show you a photo soon of the whole room, i have just bought new linen for the bed, so i will wait until i put it on and finish the lovely new cushions for it. I can't decide if i like the look of pale washed out whites, pinks, blues, or red white and black,love them both at the moment my room is red and white with a touch of black, and i love it. I scored big time at the op shop the other day, a gorgeous sewing table for my friend Kerry, for the huge sum of $4.00. We have been looking for a few weeks for one suitable and this is old, solid wood, with a small drawer in the front, and shabby white, perfect! I am now wishing i had kept it for myself!!
Chow for now, Amanda
Those handles make a big difference. I really like that style.